Ep. 6 Helen Mirren

Helen Mirren recounts her career. Playing English queens Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II.  Caligula, Excalibur, Gosford Park and Prime Suspect.  Alex and Helen discuss her early years at the Royal Shakespeare Company and her Russian heritage.  Religion and Hillary Clinton. Helen Mirren was voiced by Fiona Cooke of Extraextracasting.com Hang out for a Special Feature at the end of the interview - Fiona Cooke of Extra Extra Casting gives a behind the scenes look at Casting for Background Extras.  It is a fascinating look at the business of casting all those other people on screen. Please go to Apple Podcasts and rate us a 5 star and leave a comment.  Also become a Patron at Patreon.com/TheHollywoodInterview Graphics by Michelle Ingram-DeLong at ingramdesignstudio.com Produced by No One Else Media and Wanderer Productions. Visit The Hollywood Interview on Facebook.

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Alex Simon has interviewed the biggest names in world cinema. The Hollywood Interview is a collection of those talks, past and present, with the iconic veterans, young iconoclasts, and future innovators of the world's greatest art form. Each interview is wrapped in an audio experience of the artist's work and Alex's filmic commentary. Logo and Banner design by ingramdesignstudio.com