Ep. 13: The Courage to Make New Habits
Everyone’s days are determined by many conscious and subconscious habits. Why do hit the alarm seven times before waking up? Why do we skip breakfast again in hopes hitting up the Starbucks drive through again? Why can’t we seem to get a handle of those little habits that nag us? Elle and Laura dive into the courageous task of changing your habits. Habits often go hand in hand with our identity, and making time and space to make and break habits is a process that requires determination. Listen as Elle and Laura dive into tips on changing your habits, share their own strengths and weaknesses, and encourage listeners to lean into habits that will make life more joy filled!
Let’s Be Honest:
Laura shares her latest love of reusable straws! Help save the environment one super cute straw at a time. http://nymag.com/strategist/article/best-reusable-straws.html
Living Honestly:
Try out the two minute trick! Start tomorrow by implementing a habit that will only take two minutes. Do 10 sit ups. Drink a cup of water. Lay in bed for two minutes before looking at your phone. Make a call instead of sending a text. Make two minutes of space in your day tomorrow to start something new!
Mentioned This Episode:
Atomic Habits by James Clear. We couldn’t recommend this book more highly!
The Magnolia Journal manifesto: “We believe in home, that it should restore us from today and ready us for tomorrow.”