Ep. 14: Mess and Mundane: Household Hacks
Everyday we make a million choices around our homes. Do I pick up those clothes or just leave them there for a few more hours? Should I start laundry or wait until I have a free five hours to complete the whole process? Tidy up the junk drawer or let it live in it’s junky glory? Taking care of your home is one of the biggest areas of “mundane” in our lives. Elle and Laura help listeners think through the meaning and purpose behind these simple tasks and give tons of helpful tips from listeners about making the mundane a little less brutal!
Mentioned This Episode:
Playground Study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8O8hHYIMHu0
Hygge (defined as a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality!) If you don’t know about “hygge” yet read The Little Book of Hygge. https://www.amazon.com/Little-Book-Hygge-Danish-Secrets/dp/0062658808
Best Vacuum Ever: https://www.amazon.com/Miele-Dynamic-Upright-Vacuum-Lotus/dp/B00S1AGLY0
Laura swears by OxiClean! Get your whites whiter and keep your colors colorful! https://www.oxiclean.com/en
Throw white vinegar in with a load laundry if you’re worried about smells!
Emily Ley’s expert tip is to do a load of laundry every morning. Makes everything shorter and hopefully sweeter.
Try out gloves when you do dishes!
Elle tries to live by the phase: “A place for everything. Everything in its place.”
Let’s Be Honest:
Check out Grove Collective! Elle tried it one month and got wonderfully, insane discounts the first time you try it! Try it for a month and keep it going OR cancel your subscription! Such fun and cute products for an outrageously awesome price. https://www.grove.co/home
Listener Tips:
Keep a handheld vacuum underneath your kitchen sink for quick access to kitchen crumbs (especially for the stovetop!).
Immediately dump fresh laundry on your bed, so you have to put it away before bed that night.
Never do more laundry in a day then you’re willing to put away. Keeps the laundry process to under a day!
Make your bed!
Buy a legit garage can with bags that fit and get new bags delivered from Amazon regularly! Bags in the can are a game changer.
Use a razor on furniture and bed sheets. Run it across the fabric to get off pills without tearing or scratching the fabric!
Go through different rooms of your house regularly and purge items that you don’t use or need. Do small area of your home every month, so it’s never overwhelming!
Dr. Bronner’s pure castille soap is an amazing, chemical-free cleaner. It’s affordable and goes a long way! Use it in bathrooms, kitchen, and floors!
Make laundry into a game-pick fun music and enjoy the activity more!