Ep. 3: Being Real on Social Media


Join Elle and Laura as they explore what it means to be real online. They'll talk about developing a philosophy for social media use, setting up helpful boundaries, and balancing the glamour of social media with the mess of real life. They get honest about their own struggles with social media platforms and offer advice about how to create an online life that is authentic! 

Let's Be Honest

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Living Honestly

Think about your philosophy of social media use. Why do you do what you do? Does it fit who you are in real life? Second, set up boundaries if you need them. Set those time limits, throw a passcode on, delete people you follow if you need to. Think about what brings you life and go from there. Last, don't forget that real people have real problems that don't often show up on social media. Don't forget to bring a lens of compassion to those you interact with online! 

Om Podcasten

Life is hard. There are so many moments of mess and mundane and misery. But you know what’s worse than the hard moments of life? Doing them alone. But when we choose to do life together, the everyday moments of life turn into encounters with Jesus. At The Honestly Podcast, we want to help you find the beauty of being real, the freedom of laughing at yourself, and the courage to initiate with people in your communities. And honestly, it just doesn’t get much better than that!