Ep. 7: The Freedom to Laugh in Relationships (feat. Shelly Wildman)

Relationships need laughter to thrive! Especially those of the romantic persuasion. So, join Elle and Laura as they talk laughter in relationships with author and speaker, Shelly Wildman.

Shelly is from Wheaton, IL, and has written a parenting book First Ask Why: Raising to Love God through Intentional Discipleship and we highly recommend checking it out! She shares about her 34 years of marriage to Brian and all the many laughs they've had along the way. We think you'll enjoy it!

Let’s Be Honest:

Remembering things is hard. But writing things down helps. Especially on shared calendars like COZI (https://www.cozi.com/) Or hey—Bullet journaling is a super cool way to keep your brain straight. We got this, people!

Om Podcasten

Life is hard. There are so many moments of mess and mundane and misery. But you know what’s worse than the hard moments of life? Doing them alone. But when we choose to do life together, the everyday moments of life turn into encounters with Jesus. At The Honestly Podcast, we want to help you find the beauty of being real, the freedom of laughing at yourself, and the courage to initiate with people in your communities. And honestly, it just doesn’t get much better than that!