HSM 78: A Saga of Salt, Tub Faucets, and Hypergeometric Land

Welcome to Episode 78! In today's episode, we read a saga of cEDH salt from a salty city, talk about mana bases and hypergeometric distribution calculators, and discuss a story where a dad couldn't get away from a salt lord that cried Real Tears (tm). Sam even tells a saga of his own about replacing his tub faucet. Also you should just mulligan. You're not going to draw that one land you need. Stay Salty ____ Find HSM merch on our website and our Bonfire site! Email your salty stories to thehowlingsaltmine@gmail.com! Find links to all our social media pages on our Linktree! Check out our Moxfield! Podcast art by the talented Devin Burnett! @j.d.burnett

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A comedy/advice podcast reading salty stories from the Magic the Gathering community. Stay Salty!