Episode 398 – The Painted Skin, The Haunted House & Spitting Water

Episode 398 - The Painted Skin, The Haunted House & Spitting Water
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Creep into April with The Painted Skin and other weird tales by Pu Songling! Various translations of these stories appear online - but they are also available in Penguin's Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio.

Special thanks to reader Andrew Leman - as always - check out the good stuff at HPLHS.org!

Next week: The Charnel God by Clark Ashton Smith!

Om Podcasten

The H.P. Lovecraft Literary Podcast has been creating podcasts and audio productions since 2009! Each week, hosts Chad Fifer and Chris Lackey discuss a piece of weird fiction. Our 120 initial shows on the works of H.P. Lovecraft are all FREE, and we continue to produce one free show at the top of every month. You can hear the three remaining shows as well as two bonus monthly shows by subscribing on PATREON!