Confessions XVII: Porno (Q1 2005)

Hugh gets X-rated unveiling his version of hardcore pornography - The Hendry Chart Rotator. He offers a lesson from what can be gleaned from chart patterns.  We discuss the shocking failure of Europe - youth unemployment - and why the banks are the cork in the bottle right now and an analysis of Sony recording their biggest ever annual net profit. Hugh even gets in an almighty fangle and confuses Hitachi for Toshiba. We've kept it not to spare his blushes. Hedge Fund pirate Hugh Hendry and co-host Chris Sweeney chronicle the inner workings of the uncorrelated and legendary Eclectica Fund. They use Hugh's monthly client letters as a Hedge Fund boot camp to reveal what he was thinking and why he made the decisions he did, in real time. No new Hedge Fund wannabee can afford to miss the journey to the present day where Hugh reveals and expounds upon his latest macro insights. There's also mention of Tesla, Elon Musk and Hugh goes all millennial by delving into social media phenomenon, Only Fans. Plus, we squabble over being from Scotland's biggest city, Glasgow - one of us was born and bred there, the other fled.⬇️ Subscribe on Patreon or Substack for full episodes ⬇️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Leave a five star review and comment on Apple Podcasts!🧢 Hats & Merch 📸 Instagram 🐦 Twitter / X📩 Substack👂Listen and 🔥 Subscribe📺 YouTube🎧 Apple Podcasts🎙️ Spotify🎵 Theme Song: Starspeed by MILANOTHIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE!

Om Podcasten

Gonzo Finance!Hugh Hendry is an Award Winning Hedge Fund Manager, Market Commentator, Thought Leader, St Barts Real Estate Investor & Surfer.Full episodes are available at and