Carina Maggar on How To Make Work Not Suck

How can we make work suck less? That’s what my guest Carina Maggar explores in her new book. She’s a creative copywriter who has worked with a number of leading brands including Pepsi, Levis, YouTube and Nintendo. As a student, Carina did a variety of jobs and while doing them she paid close attention to all the things she found interesting — things that stood out for some reason or another — and took notes. Those notes and some interviews she did with some other creative thought leaders form the basis for her new book How To Make Work Not Suck: Honest Advice for People With Jobs. It’s a collection of 120 irreverent, unusual, straight-talking insights about the world of work.
I really enjoyed reading her book and thought her insights, though incredibly simple, were really insightful, so I wanted to get her on the show.
In our discussion, we explore:- What a copywriter does and how that’s relevant to Carina’s book;- What inspired her to write the book;- The process she went through in designing and writing the book;- How her insights about work have shaped Carina’s thinking;- The pieces of advice in her book particularly inspired me; and- Her thoughts on careers and why conventional wisdom might not always apply.To find out more about Carina visit To see some sample pages of her book visit

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