Dr Johannes Lohse on Active vs Passive Risk: how doing nothing can also cause risk.

When we think of risk, it is usually in the context of 'risk-taking'; in other words, an active decision to do something. But it is equally possible to take risk by doing nothing; passive risk. What differentiates the two and is passive risk really a risk?That's what my guest this time Dr Johannes Lohse has been researching. In our discussion, we explore a recent paper he published with Dr Christian König-Kersting & Dr Anna Louisa Merkel on this very topic. You can find that here: https://ideas.repec.org/p/inn/wpaper/2020-04.htmlThis subject is highly relevant to Human Risk, which I define as "the risk of people doing things they shouldn't, or not doing things they should". In other words, both active and passive risk-taking by people. You can find out more about Johannes' work here: https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/staff/profiles/business/lohse-johannes.aspx

Om Podcasten

People are often described as the largest asset in most organisations. They are also the biggest single cause of risk. This podcast explores the topic of 'human risk', or "the risk of people doing things they shouldn't or not doing things they should", and examines how behavioural science can help us mitigate it. It also looks at 'human reward', or "how to get the most out of people". When we manage human risk, we often stifle human reward. Equally, when we unleash human reward, we often inadvertently increase human risk.