Tricia Bruce, PHD, sociologist and affiliate of the University of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society: On technology, Twitter, responsibility, social movements & social change

Tricia Bruce, PHD is a sociologist and affiliate of the University of Notre Dame’s Center for the Study of Religion and Society. Her work intersects the sociological and cultural implications of religion, social change, social movements, immigration, race, and culture. Dr. Bruce is a regular television and radio commentator on a wide variety of contemporary sociological and topics including religion, Catholicism, social trends, family, gender, and more. In today’s episode, we discuss with Tricia the impact of technological development on social movements as well as social change. Focusing on the development of social media, she explores how the #Metoo movement unfolded and what role Twitter played in it. Finally, she also explores the responsibility of social media and tech industry in engaging with social movement. Tricia’s recent work: American Parishes: Remaking Local Catholicism, edited by Gary Adler, Jr., Tricia C. Bruce, and Brian Starks, Forthcoming 2019, Fordham University Press, Catholic Practice in North America Series Parish and Place: Making Room for Diversity in the American Catholic Church, by Tricia Colleen Bruce, Oxford University Press (August 2017) Polarization in the U.S. Catholic Church, edited by Mary Ellen Konieczny, Charles Camosy, and Tricia C. Bruce, Liturgical Press (2016) Social media and other links to Tricia: Website: Twitter:

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