Beat Insulin Resistance and Take Control of Your Blood Sugar with Kristie Messerli, RD

PCOS ladies listen up: 50% of us will develop type 2 diabetes by age 40.    Scary, right? But here's the deal: Simple tweaks to how you eat, move, and handle stress can change the future for you.    That’s why I’m bringing on Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator, Kristie Messerli to share simple and SUSTAINABLE lifestyle tweaks to help you manage your blood sugars (and lose weight) that don’t involve a life sentence of salad eating.    She’s also diving into some hot topics like why the advice “just lose weight” to manage your blood sugar is crap, why carbs should have a place in your diet, how insulin resistance can impact your libido, and so much more.    Connect with Kristie:  Instagram | Website |   Connect with Cory: Instagram | Website |

Om Podcasten

Why is it so hard for me to lose weight with PCOS? How do I boost my libido? How do I manage hormone-fueled mood swings and irregular periods? How do I balance my hormones so I can finally be pregnant? If you find yourself asking these questions, you’re in the right place. I’m your host, Cory Ruth, a PCOS Registered Dietitian & fellow PCOS warrior who guides women through PCOS symptom mastery, permanent weight loss, and optimal fertility. On the Imperfect PCOS Podcast, me and my expert guests help you step into the best version of yourself by helping you take control of your hormones & health— it’s YOUR turn now.