Beat Insulin Resistance and Take Control of Your Blood Sugar with Kristie Messerli, RD
PCOS ladies listen up: 50% of us will develop type 2 diabetes by age 40. Scary, right? But here's the deal: Simple tweaks to how you eat, move, and handle stress can change the future for you. That’s why I’m bringing on Dietitian & Certified Diabetes Educator, Kristie Messerli to share simple and SUSTAINABLE lifestyle tweaks to help you manage your blood sugars (and lose weight) that don’t involve a life sentence of salad eating. She’s also diving into some hot topics like why the advice “just lose weight” to manage your blood sugar is crap, why carbs should have a place in your diet, how insulin resistance can impact your libido, and so much more. Connect with Kristie: Instagram | Website | Connect with Cory: Instagram | Website |