Google Analytics 4 Discussion - 3/3 - with Jeff Sauer, Brie Anderson, Jill Quick, & Dara Fitzgerald

Welcome to the final part of a three-part discussion about Google Analytics 4 and in this episode, we're going to be looking at how we migrate to GA4. Taking part is Jeff Sauer, founder of Jeff Analytics and Data-Driven U, Brie Anderson, owner of Beast Analytics, Jill Quick, analytics consultant and trainer from The Coloring In Department, and Dara Fitzgerald, CEO and co-founder at Measurelab. In this week's episode, our panel discusses how to migrate to Google Analytics 4, including: 1. Steps to migrate to Google Analytics 4 2. Redefine your conversion data 3. Define your data points 4. Collect more data than you need 5. Google Analytics 4 migration tips 6. Don't compare GA4 to UA For more Episodes of the In Search SEO podcast: Rank Ranger: Start a free Rank Ranger trial: #googleanalytics #googleanalytics4 #SEO #SEOtips

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Similarweb's In Search SEO podcast will help you build better SEO strategies by delivering clear actionable SEO tips and strategies from industry experts deep in the trenches. Join us as our host David Bain interviews the greatest minds and personas in the SEO industry! Get tips and insights on everything from content marketing to local SEO straight from the mouths of SEO's most authoritative thought leaders! Similarweb is an all-in-one SEO and digital intelligence platform that helps you optimzie your Marketing strategy with unparalleled data insights.