Ep. #22 ~ Mission: The Missio Dei & How Do I Fit In?

I’m back after a bit of an extra week as I have been battling a infection. Thank you listeners for your incredible patience as I know I promised this episode to be out last weekend. Lots has been happening the past few days too as Brian McLaren was here in Calgary sharing some awesome insights as to Rewilding the architecture of the church, moving from being an indoor religion to an outdoor religion. As well as speaking to some of the challenges there are to leaving or staying a Christian. I will be writing on this experience & reviewing ‘The Great Spiritual Migration’ in the coming weeks on my blog. But if you would like to learn more… CLICK HERE. So today I am speaking with Karen Wilk of Neighbourhood Life in Edmonton Alberta. She & I have a long history going back with Forge Canada & my House Church years. We are talking about the third & final part in our series looking at McLaren’s book ‘The Great Spiritual Migration’… Mission: The Missio Dei & How Do I Fit In?

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This is a podcast that explores the stories of places & people as they encounter wonder & awe in life & community. The hope is that together we might overcome perceived personal & relational barriers & challenges by turning them into meeting places for transformation & growth.