Ep. 158: Mike Nuñez - Nuñez Vineyard Management

Mike NuÑez - NuÑez Vineyard Management This episode features Mike Nuñez, who owns and operates Nuñez Vineyard Management, a farm labor contractor and vineyard development specialist based in Napa Valley. Mike and I discuss the barn we made wine together in back in 2004, Mike’s career path, the services that his company manages, and then an in-depth outline of how Mike plans every critical step in planning, designing, planting training, and managing a new vineyard. There’s no way we could have covered every vineyard-specific detail in one podcast, but this episode could be a resource for anyone serious about the most important aspects of vineyard development. Nuñez Vineyard Management Nuñez Vineyard Management’s YouTube Channel   This podcast is sponsored by Innovint. Has your winery turned into a complete Excel sheet show? Say hello to InnoVint, it’s winemaking software to get you off of spreadsheets and into the modern era. InnoVint was founded and built by winemakers, so they know where your pain points are. No matter the size of your winery, InnoVint provides you with instant access to your production records in the format you need to make quick, informed decisions. Basically, they take the tedious data management stuff off your plate. With a desktop and mobile platform, the insights you need are just a few clicks away (even if you’re offline!). Make the right calls at the right time. InnoVint is an approachable solution focused on exactly what winemaking teams need. Automate your TTB compliance. Know the true cost of each wine. Improve your cellar workflow, and be more effective than ever before! Join the 4,500 winery professionals saving up to 30 hours per week. Schedule a call today on InnoVint.us and don’t forget to mention the Inside Winemaking Podcast. Innovint has a special deal for Inside Winemaking listeners and they are offering to provide lunch when you complete a demo of their software with a team member and mention the podcast.   Check out the Fundamentals of Winemaking Made Easy video course   The Inside Winemaking Podcast on iTunes Now on Spotify And Amazon Music

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Inside Winemaking was created to provide direct access to the people in charge of creating world-class wines. Napa Valley winemaker, Jim Duane, hosts interviews with some of the top winemakers in California and beyond. Each episode of Inside Winemaking features a winemaker, grape-grower, or technical wine pro and dives deep into their background and expertise. Wine newbies and expert enophiles will be entertained by winemaking stories and learn more about the growing grapes and making wine.