Episode 20: Kyle and Steph's Stories of Transformation

Stories are powerful ways to connect with and realize new ways of thinking and being. Listening to new perspectives of what healing looks like and the many seasons of change we go through on our journies back to optimal health is one way to get inspired to take action. In this episode, Dr. Mel interviews Kyle K. and Steph D. to learn more about their stories of hope and healing, moving from depression and instability to mental freedom and visions for the future. A huge thanks to Kyle and Steph for their vulnerability and courage in sharing their stories!!!

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We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, not inhibited by chance. We believe that optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our given BIRTHRIGHT. The Inspire Life Podcast will showcase healing stories, health strategies, education, and beyond. We are here to help you feel empowered and inspired when it comes to your health and LIFE!