Episode 31: "Discipline Your Disappointments, and Never Give Up." Lois's Story of Healing and Hope

After becoming one of the top realtors in her market and establishing multiple 6-figure businesses, Lois's life seemingly crashed to a halt after the 2008 financial crisis and recession. Homeless and without a car, things curtailed when Lois' habits of sugar and caffeine addiction caught up and left her with leaky-gut syndrome and no energy. After working with a Naturopathic Doctor and realizing the power of food and lifestyle changes to help her heal, Lois became a lifestyle coach and professional speaker. The former Ironman Triathlete has impacted the lives of thousands for the better, and her message to never give up is enough to inspire us all! You can get in touch with Lois by visiting loiskoffi.com and you can listen to her podcast at https://healthynwealthynwisepodcast.now.site/home -Keep Inspiring :)

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We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, not inhibited by chance. We believe that optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our given BIRTHRIGHT. The Inspire Life Podcast will showcase healing stories, health strategies, education, and beyond. We are here to help you feel empowered and inspired when it comes to your health and LIFE!