Episode 46: Your Guide to Inflammation with Dr. Lori Shemek

Inflammation has become a constant state of being for many of us living in contemporary society. From the foods we eat to the types of lifestyles we live, we are more prone to having chronic inflammation that any other time in human history. In this episode, Michael interviews Best-Selling author and nutrition expert Lori Shemek to learn more about what inflammation is, where it comes from, how it effects us, and ways to address it proactively. Make sure to check out Dr. Lori's website, drlorishemek.com, and grab a copy of one of her books! You can also follow her on Instagram @drlorishemek. -Keep Inspiring!

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We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, not inhibited by chance. We believe that optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our given BIRTHRIGHT. The Inspire Life Podcast will showcase healing stories, health strategies, education, and beyond. We are here to help you feel empowered and inspired when it comes to your health and LIFE!