Episode 47: Adressing Anxiety and Stress Through Diet with Dr. Samara Sterling

Often times, stress and anxiety are treated in ways to address the symptoms rather than the root causes. With emerging research and knowledge of the gut-brain connection, we are finding out that food is one of the most powerful forms of medicine we have to help with stress, anxiety, depression, and other experiences with mental and emotional health. Listen as Michael interviews Dr. Samara Sterling, Director of Research at The Peanut Institute, to learn strategies that will make your diet work for you, rather than inhibiting your health and healing. You can learn more about The Peanuts Institute at https://peanut-institute.com/. -Keep Inspiring!

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We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, not inhibited by chance. We believe that optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our given BIRTHRIGHT. The Inspire Life Podcast will showcase healing stories, health strategies, education, and beyond. We are here to help you feel empowered and inspired when it comes to your health and LIFE!