Episode 48: Staying On Track Through the Holidays with Irene Gabelnick

Thanksgiving is tomorrow, and the official kick off of what I have coined "Sugar Season," in the United States. Cookies and pies and candies galore will flood stores and homes as we celebrate a plethora of holidays and the coming of winter. In this episode, Michael interviews author Irene Gabelnick about what we can do to stay on track during the holiday season. Things like staying mindful, keeping your vision in tact, and releasing yourself from any guilt or shame that may try to emerge are just a few of the valuable strategies discussed. Check out Irene's website: https://www.irenegabelnick.com/ and don't forget to grab a copy of one of her 12+ books! -Keep Inspiring :)

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We stand for a world where your health is inspired by CHOICE, not inhibited by chance. We believe that optimal physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is our given BIRTHRIGHT. The Inspire Life Podcast will showcase healing stories, health strategies, education, and beyond. We are here to help you feel empowered and inspired when it comes to your health and LIFE!