024 - Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Free & Equal | 2013

For Ayaan Hirsi Ali: 'It is a matter of principle that women are free  and equal'. This means zero tolerance of cultural practices such as  honour violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). In  her talk, Hirsi Ali challenges the audience with questions such as  whether multiculturalism is indifference disguised as tolerance, and  what do Western feminists have to offer to the life and death problems  of women from the developing world?

Om Podcasten

The IDW Podcast. Audio from Interviews, talks and panels with members of the Intellectual Dark Web. Audio is taken directly from publically available videos. Please also support ( where you can ) Jordan Peterson Camille Paglia Eric Weinstein Bret Weinstein Nassim Taleb Douglas Murray Ayaan Hirsi Ali Ben Shapiro Sam Harris Michael Shermer Jonathan Haidt Heather Heying Gad Saad James Damore Steven Pinker Majid Nawaz Joe Rogan Cover art photo provided by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@dnevozhai