Rein in the Gift Givers

They say it takes a village to raise a child. And I completely agree. Except sometimes the village drops by on holidays and leaves battery-operated nightmare toys…again. Mastery of the 4 Stages of Guilt-Free Receiving so that you never feel put-upon by gifts, no matter how strange or loud or plastic A quality Buffer Box Scripts for how to ask for what you want and not sound like an entitled bi-scuit Find the "Stop the Toy Clutter" course ⁠HERE⁠ ⁠

Om Podcasten

The official podcast for all soulful women seeking to create beautiful and meaningful homes. We drool over helping families design and maximize their homes to be wonder-filled connection magnets! The intentional magic all emerges from a fun combo of research gems and easy application to inspire you in creating your meaningful, grounded, functional, personal, AND beautiful house design.