Ep. 14 | The Extraordinary Life of Rob Greenfield

The L.A. Times called him "Different"; UPROXX described him as "the best kind of crazy"...and Fox TV said he was "the world's foremost dumpster diver!" I'm not quite sure how to describe Rob Greenfield, but here's a start:  If you were religious you might say he's 'doing the lord's work'. If you are an environmentalist, you would likely call him a hero. No matter what kind of a human being you are, after listening to this episode I bet you'll agree that he is a truly inspiring brother with a huge heart, a big mission, and possesses the creative brilliance that can cause actual change. In this episode, I talk to Rob about his life's story, his incredible activism campaigns, and life during the quarantine. Visit his website at www.robgreenfield.org

Om Podcasten

If you could ask some of the world's brightest minds and biggest hearts any question... what would it be? That very question is the essence of our newest adventure into the exploration of love and consciousness... The Jai Dev Show. In this semi-weekly podcast, I'll be talking to some of the most inspiring people I've met throughout my years of traveling and teaching around the world. They are people who have concentrated their life-force. They have pointed the energy of their life into a single direction to create something beautiful and uplifting. They are the artists of life, creating and sharing the magic of their craft with their world. I won't just be talking to yogis or spiritual teachers. I've interviewed musicians, entrepreneurs, healers, and artists of all kinds. These are the people I want to talk to, the conversations that I want to have with the people that truly inspire me. These conversations go deep into the essence of life and uncover the truths of being human that every single person can relate to.