The Ed Bogas Interview

 Once there was a band called the Blue Velvets. Saul Zantz didn't like the name and made them change it. They eventually settled on Creedence Clearwater and the Fantasy label hit gold. Ed Bogas was hired soon there after and became one of the lead producer and arrangers for all the jazz cats under contract. The funny thing was that he knew next to nothing about jazz. He attributes much of his success to Cal Tjader who had recently resigned with the label. Cal led him by the hand and eventually they sang lines back to each other. A true baptism by fire and some great stories..... Last Bolero in Berkeley, JF

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Become a Paid Subscriber: On The Jake Feinberg Show (radio) and in Facebook Lives, Jake Feinberg has now conducted over 2,000 interviews with “The Cats”—popular musicians across the spectrum from rock to jazz, R&B to folk, pop to country, bluegrass to fusion. Jake’s unique interviewing style puts musicians at their ease and inspires them to reflect candidly on topics familiar or unexpected. The Cats tell little stories, muse about life, uncover aspects of the music business, dig deep into overcoming adversity, revel in camaraderie, and open their souls. You will never see musicians in the same light again....