Dr. Jane Goodall: You Are Reason for Hope

In the premiere episode of the Hopecast, Dr. Jane Goodall records from her childhood home in Bournemouth, England, where her journey of curiosity and passion for the natural world began. This is the first time Jane has been in one place for longer than two weeks in nearly three decades, and the urgency to share her message is greater than ever. In a fireside style chat, Jane shares intimate stories from her childhood, including how growing up during World War II taught her to take nothing for granted, and why she believes hope is essential to fuel positive action, individually and together, for a better world. While Jane doesn’t shy away from the adversity we face - the Sixth Great Extinction and the Climate Crisis in particular - she shares the importance and power of making space for hope, as it spurs the indomitable human spirit to take action, even in the most grim situations. Now through the Jane Goodall Hopecast, she will share stories of hope and resilience, encouraging listeners to embrace the power of every individual to make a difference for people, other animals, and the rich tapestry of life with whom we share this precious planetary home. At the End of the Rainbow: Stay to the end of the episode to hear a rare archival clip of Jane speaking at the 'Understanding Chimpanzees' conference in Chicago, Illinois, in 1986, which was the catalyst moment that transformed Jane from a scientist to activist. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

Om Podcasten

Scientist. Activist. Storyteller. Icon. Jane Goodall blazed the trail and changed the world. Now, she's studying new subjects – humans! This brand-new podcast will take listeners on a one-of –a-kind journey as they learn from Dr. Goodall's extraordinary life, hear from changemaking guests from every arena, and become awed by a growing movement sparked by Jane and fueled by hope. Join us as we get curious, grow compassion and take action to build a better world for all.