Make Your Future Bigger Than Your Past

In this episode, John Maxwell shares five thoughts on how to make your future bigger than your past. Then, Traci Morrow joins Mark Cole to talk about helpful ways you can apply this lesson to your life and leadership. Key takeaways: Daily we are either repairing or preparing The future can be written People either face the future with apprehension or anticipation Our BONUS resource for this episode is the “Make You Future Bigger Than Your Past Worksheet,” which includes fill-in-the-blank notes from John’s teaching. You can download the worksheet by visiting and clicking “Download the Bonus Resource.” References: Watch this episode on YouTube! Intentional Living by John C. Maxwell Register for Day to Grow! Relevant Episode: Living Life Usefully Sign up for the Maxwell Leadership Growth Plan Shop the Maxwell Leadership Online Store

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The Maxwell Leadership Podcast is a regular examination of what it means to be a transformational leader—someone who daily influences people to think, speak, and act to make a positive difference in their lives and in the lives of others. This podcast will teach you the principles, practices, and process of becoming a transformational leader because leadership isn’t an event—it’s an uphill journey. Every week we will offer a free tool to help you on this journey, so let leadership authority Dr. John C. Maxwell show you the way.