402. Who Is Ron DeSantis?

Dr. Jordan B Peterson sits down with the 46th governor of Florida and 2024 presidential candidate Ron DeSantis. They discuss his working-class upbringing, the fundamentals of team building, the drastic need for government reduction, and how Florida might work as a national blueprint post 2024. Ron DeSantis is an American politician in the Republican party. He is a veteran from the U.S. Navy and is currently serving as the 46th governor of Florida (since 2019). DeSantis was initially a member of Congress elected in 2012, 2014, and 2016. He was a founding member of the Freedom Caucus, a Right-wing congressional caucus formed by conservatives and Tea Party members alike. DeSantis was an avid supporter of Donald Trump during his first campaign and is now running squarely against him for the 2024 presidential elections. - Links - For Ron DeSantis: On X https://twitter.com/RonDeSantis?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor On Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/rondesantisfl On Instagram https://www.instagram.com/flgovrondesantis/ Campaign site https://rondesantis.com/

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Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality.