JJS#177 - Superduperstitious
This week, Josh and Logan are exploring the origins of some superstitions. Why is it bad to walk under a ladder? What's the deal with spilling salt? Why is breaking a mirror bad luck and, also, what even are mirrors? Josh and Logan dig into history and tell stories along the way like why Josh's tee-ball hated him. Josh and Logan will be at the Stardome in Birmingham, AL, March 1st-3rd! Get tickets at https://www.stardome.com/events/category/series/josh-johnson/main-room/birmingham-alabama/ Josh and Logan will be on the road throughout 2024. Find all dates and tickets at https://www.joshjohnsoncomedy.com/tour Join the JJS Patreon for bonus podcasts, videos, and pictures of Josh sleeping at https://www.patreon.com/joshjohnsonshow Find Josh's albums and socials at https://linktr.ee/joshjohnsoncomedy Check out Logan's projects and social media at https://linktr.ee/logannielsen Get in the mailbag by emailing joshjohnsonshow@gmail.com Music by Brad Kemp. Find his stuff and hire him at https://www.secondbedroomstudio.com/