02 - Paying Attention

Jonathan dives deeper into the story of losing his wife Wynter. In those difficult days, God gave him specific situations to pay attention to, and he shares how paying attention to those situations became not only a gift in the moment, but stories of hope for the future. Learn how practicing attentiveness can help you see God in all things and see all things in God. Be encouraged to begin looking for the gifts that God has placed right in front of you, helping you shift your perspective on your pain and your lost expectations.

Om Podcasten

Life is a journey. There are some really high highs and some really low lows. But it’s in the very hardest of places where the real decision is made: will we walk out our days with hopelessness or relentlessly pursue God despite our setbacks? Jonathan shares his real-life story of love, life, and loss with refreshing vulnerability and engaging candor. Join Jonathan on The Journey as he helps you make better sense of yours. The Journey with Jonathan Pitts is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual advice to help you grow into the parent you want to be visit www.ChristianParenting.org