Viewpoints: Kate with Dr Joye Pugh

Dr. Joye has written three books and one abridged and updated audio edition. These include: "ANTICHRIST The Cloned Image of Jesus Christ" (December 1999), "Colours of Joye" (August 1975), "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (December 2006), and AUDIO "EDEN The Knowledge of Good and Evil 666" (Updated and Abridged Edition), (JANUARY 2009).

Om Podcasten

A majority of people in the U.S. believe we are not alone in the universe, with almost as many believing that the government is keeping information regarding extraterrestrials secret. And more people the world over are demanding full disclosure from their own governments regarding aliens and UFO‘s. Now listeners can hear what Kate and her expert guests have to say on these topics and more on the new Kate Valentine UFO Show.