101. Let's Chat: When your mental health makes you question whether you should be a mum. With Katie Stevens

In this episode there is discussions about mental illness and suicidal thoughts, if you feel you need support please use any of the links at the bottom of the show notes.How will I be a mum when I can’t even control my own emotions?In this 'Let's Chat' episode, we talk with Katie about the added complexity a diagnosis, initially of depression and anxiety, then bipolar disorder, has on pregnancy.A mental health issue is daunting enough for most people but Katie had also just moved to a new tow...

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Everything you need to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant, giving birth and bringing your baby home. Your host Obstetrician Dr Patrick Moloney and co-host Brigid Moloney focus on the essentials of growing a baby without heavy medical jargon and with lots of relatable stories of their work helping thousands of women have babies, as well as being parents to four boys. Each episode has expert led content that will help you cut through the swathe of pregnancy information, restoring your calm and giving you the confidence to know that mama, you got this!