45. Pelvic Girdle Pain in Pregnancy with Kath Baquie

We get a lot of questions coming in through our DM’s and this episode is a response to a request from one of those lovely listeners who was diagnosed with Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD) at week 15 of pregnancy.What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction, you ask? Apart from being a mouthful to say, it can also be referred to as pelvic girdle pain and it’s something I struggled with during my third and fourth pregnancies. And let me tell you, it’s painful. To help answer some questions surrounding pelvic girdle pain, what it is, why women get it and what can be done about it, I’m joined by Kath Baquie, a perinatal physiotherapist, mum of three young girls with plenty of personal and professional experience in the area. Kath is the founder of FitNest Mama, an online membership providing support and inspiration for pregnant women and new mums. In this episode we talk about the different reasons why some women develop pelvic girdle pain, the common risk factors and different ways to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with it. We talk about the importance of taking care of our bodies as they undergo such huge change throughout pregnancy and childbirth and Kath’s recommendation for all women to engage in a postnatal rehab plan. If you’ve got a little niggle or perhaps battling severe discomfort, this episode will be really helpful for you. Don’t put up with pain if you don’t need to! LINKS Instagram  @thekickpregnancypodcast_ Facebook  @thekickpregnancypodcastSee omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

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Everything you need to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant, giving birth and bringing your baby home. Your host Obstetrician Dr Patrick Moloney and co-host Brigid Moloney focus on the essentials of growing a baby without heavy medical jargon and with lots of relatable stories of their work helping thousands of women have babies, as well as being parents to four boys. Each episode has expert led content that will help you cut through the swathe of pregnancy information, restoring your calm and giving you the confidence to know that mama, you got this!