9. The idea of Gentle Induction (of labour)

Induction of labour. This is recommended listening for every woman who is pregnant, particularly those getting close to the end of their pregnancy. Inductions AREN'T rare and can represent a challenge for some who feel blindsided by the significant change of plans.And blindsided is like a dirty word in your pregnancy, right?It's our mission to help women everywhere have access to information that is practical, expert and relatable so you can ask the right questions and go into each new stage ...

Om Podcasten

Everything you need to know about getting pregnant, being pregnant, giving birth and bringing your baby home. Your host Obstetrician Dr Patrick Moloney and co-host Brigid Moloney focus on the essentials of growing a baby without heavy medical jargon and with lots of relatable stories of their work helping thousands of women have babies, as well as being parents to four boys. Each episode has expert led content that will help you cut through the swathe of pregnancy information, restoring your calm and giving you the confidence to know that mama, you got this!