How to get anything you want - EP103

How to get anything you want Years ago, when I first started my business and bodybuilding journey, which subsequently happened at the same time, I did not know the price I would have to pay to be successful. And actually, I think if someone had of told me everything I would need to sacrifice for my success, I might just have decided not to bother. The price of success in any endeavour is high. The more successful you get, the higher the price you pay. But yet, what is the price of failure? What is the price of never going after what you want and giving it your best shot? In this episode, I breakdown the exact steps you need to decide what you want and then go after it.  I teach you how to look into the future and see the price you’ll have to pay, in order to be successful. These strategies have worked for me time and time again, and I continue to use them every day when I start something new.  I know if you apply them, they will work for you too.  Please leave me a comment and let me know if you enjoyed this episode and what you got out of it.  Cheers to your success!

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