Election special: manifesto week

It's manifesto week and on this episode we're examining what the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives and Labour are pledging on health and care. Join Andrew McCracken, Beccy Baird and Siva Anandaciva as they analyse the manifesto commitments from the three largest parties and discuss whether what is being promised will be enough to deliver the transformative change the health and care system needs. Want to get involved? Send us your general election questions via email, X (formerly known as Twitter) @TheKingsFund or LinkedIn. Related resources The King's Fund responds to the Liberal Democrats' manifesto The King's Fund responds to the Conservative Party's manifesto The King's Fund responds to the Labour Party's manifesto General election 2024 (project) 

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A podcast about big ideas in health and care. We talk with experts from The King’s Fund and beyond about the NHS, social care, and all things health policy and leadership. New episodes monthly.