The Brutal Cost of the Second Amendment.

Earlier this week, like you, I was horrified to read  yet another headline  about yet another mass murderer armed with yet another AR-15 semi-automatic rifle destroying the lives and families of yet another round of needless victims. A 6-year old boy lost his mother, father, and 3-year old brother. A young mother is currently lying unconscious in a hospital bed. When she wakes up, she will learn that her 8-year old and 11 -year old daughters were killed. I'm sick of these stupid headlines. I'm sick of the helplessness I feel every time this happens. I'm sick of how quickly politicians move to gaslight what, by now, can only be described as a national epidemic of chronic grief. Because that is exactly what this is--we are in a state of constant grief. Unlike normal grief, we are never allowed respite from our mourning. Rather, We are forced to endure 208 mass shootings in less than half a year. We have been terrorized by the slaughter of 15,038 human beings in less than half a year. We are being conditioned to normalize the senseless murder of 96 children in less than half a year. So, WHY is the United States so embarrassingly and FATALLY obsessed with guns?

Om Podcasten

New York Times Bestselling Author and master storyteller, Joanne Molinaro, known to millions as The Korean Vegan, brings you weekly ”bites” designed to help you live a more purposeful and empowered life.