TKYP83 - How Kriya Yoga Changed a Life

In this episode of The Kriya Yoga Podcast, we have a very special presentation. Robert Martin began the Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program in 2019. He joined us this past September of 2022, for another end-of-year Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship retreat, and gave a talk to the participants, sharing how he has changed and developed since beginning Kriya Meditation and applying the recommended yogic lifestyles guidelines. His testimony was well received, and so I thought it useful to share with you, the audience of The Kriya Yoga Podcast.  It is my wish that his words share the possibilities one can experience after consistent practice of Kriya Yoga.  Also, I want to take some time to wholeheartedly thank the supporters of this podcast. This podcast is supported by The Journal of A Kriya Yoga Patreon Community, and the donations from students of the 2-Year Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program. If you would like to support this kriya yoga ministry, consider joining our Journal of a Kriya Yoga Teacher Patreon community or applying to the 2-year Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Program. Or, consider participating in our future events. Already, as of Autumn 2022 we have several in-person retreats and workshops being scheduled for 2023.  If you are inspired by this Kriya Yoga tradition and would like to learn more about any of our events or offerings, please visit us at  Thank you for being part of The Kriya Yoga Podcast audience, and without further delay, please enjoy this presentation by Robert Martin from our 2022 Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Retreat. For more inspiration and information on how to practice Kriya Yoga please see my new book, An Essential Guide to Kriya Yoga Practice. Now available in hardcover on Amazon.  Your host, Ryan Kurczak, is a Kriya Yoga meditation teacher and author. He was authorized to teach Kriya Yoga in 2005, by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct student of Paramahansa Yogananda. For more information about this work please visit: A community of Kriya Yoga practitioners engaged in supporting this work. Blog posts, books and information on the Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Course. Kriya Yoga Online Ashram ( A Year Long Kriya Yoga Introduction Course Hundreds of hours of videos related to Kriya Yoga and spiritual growth.

Om Podcasten

Exploring Kriya Yoga meditation, lifestyle and Self-realization philosophy in the 21st century. Hosted by Ryan Kurczak, a student of Roy Eugene Davis.