TKYP92 - Kriya Yoga Teacher/Guru Roy Eugene Davis

Roy Eugene Davis was a Kriya Yoga Guru/Teacher in the lineage of teachers, Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar and Paramahansa Yogananda. Mr. Davis, was initiated by Yogananda and ordained by Yogananda to teach Kriya Yoga. He was one of the youngest student's of Yogananda to be ordained. I met Mr. Davis in the late summer of 2000, and was fortunate to have had 18 years to learn Kriya Yoga from him. In this episode, we consider Roy Eugene Davis' life and what I learned from him as a student in the Kriya Yoga Tradition. For continued inspiration and instruction, please read my new book, An Essential Guide to Kriya Yoga Practice. Now available in hardcover and softback on Amazon.  Your host, Ryan Kurczak, is a Kriya Yoga meditation teacher and author. He was authorized to teach Kriya Yoga in 2005, by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct student of Paramahansa Yogananda. For more information about this work please visit: A community of Kriya Yoga practitioners engaged in supporting this work. Blog posts, books and information on the Kriya Yoga Apprenticeship Course. A Year Long Kriya Yoga Introduction Course Kriya Yoga Online Ashram ( Hundreds of hours of videos related to Kriya Yoga and spiritual growth. Make your spiritual practice your highest priority.  Don’t make excuses. Focus on essentials, don’t be distracted by too many things. Be as mentally, emotionally, and spiritually mature as possible. Take care of your body and manage your resources well. Never affirm anything you don’t want to be true for yourself. Meditate well, alertly and effectively. Be conscious of the people you surround yourself with. Expand your mind and consciousness – read more, keep learning, rise above provincial or small minded states. Always have your highest aims in mind. Be a possibility thinker. Remember what is real, and always focus on that.

Om Podcasten

Exploring Kriya Yoga meditation, lifestyle and Self-realization philosophy in the 21st century. Hosted by Ryan Kurczak, a student of Roy Eugene Davis.