015 What a Bad Experience with Outsourcing Taught Andy about Facebook Ads

This week on the Launch Lab Podcast, I’m welcoming Andy Brown of The Disruptors Club to the show, to talk about his experience with a few Facebook Ads managers that left him with burned fingers, and realising he would need to take the reins and run ads himself. Once he made the decision, and jumped into learning ads with both feet, he started to experience an entirely different world! One where he began to invest in ads, and began to feel more confident running them himself After a few realisations, and a little bit of effort and time, Andy was headed toward breakthroughs and great results. And what’s most exciting is that everything he’s learned can be applied to his 2 other businesses as well! So if you’re someone who is struggling to learn how to use Facebook ads, or you’ve outsourced to someone else and have had your fingers burned by the experience, tune into this episode and be inspired by Andy’s story!   [2:00] Andy's amazing philosophy on life and business [7:30] What happened when Andy decided to scale beyond a local audience [12:00] After 2 bad experiences with ads managers and a resignation, how did Andy and his partner turn their membership situation around? [16:40] The realisation that turned a struggling business model into a massive success [19:30] What would Andy have done differently if he had known the things he knows how? [23:00] What were the results that Andy experienced and the breakthroughs he had once he began running his own ads? [28:00] How applicable is ads knowledge and experience to Andy’s other businesses?   Catch up with Andy! www.thedisruptorsclub.com   Join the Facebook Community https://lizmelville.com/group To help out the show: Subscribe and leave an honest review on iTunes. I read each one personally and would love to give you a shout out on the show! I love your feedback!

Om Podcasten

Welcome to The Launch Lab Podcast! I’m Liz Melville, and I help course creators, just like you, ditch the drama and fear of launching to grow and scale using simpler launch strategies with more effective results. I’m the founder of The Launch Society, mum, and a Facebook Ads strategist to some of the top online entrepreneurs around the globe. Inside the podcast, we are going to be sharing the top surefire launch strategies that they use to take your online course to the NEXT level. I stumbled upon the amazing power of Facebook for marketing back in 2007 at my corporate job. As I gained more knowledge on the power behind Facebook ads I was able to spend less time attracting new clients and turn them into paying customers instead. I knew I had to go all-in and help other struggling, frustrated, and confused entrepreneurs do the same. Let’s face it! Launching and course creation can be daunting, exhausting, and overwhelming. Most of the time, we’re going about it alone and with little to no support. That’s all going to change now! This podcast is all about support and helping one another so that YOU can have the impactful launch strategy you deserve for your courses. For more information about the podcast, The Launch Society, or other ways you can work with me, check out: (https://lizmelville.com/) I would love to connect more with you on social media! You can find me at: IG: @the_lizmelville Facebook: facebook.com/lizmelvillesm Clubhouse: @Lizmelville