Episode 3: Philip Jury of Leathercraft Masterclass

In the third episode of the podcast, Sam speaks with Philip Jury about his early life and how his search for a creative outlet led him through numerous interesting careers before eventually opening his own high-end luxury leather business. Philip now spends his time running the hugely successful online learning platform Leathercraft Masterclass where he teaches his students traditional leathercraft techniques via comprehensive build-along tutorials. You can find Leathercraft Masterclass at:leathercraftmasterclass.comand@leathercraftmasterclassYou can find Sam Jordan at @deaconleather for updates on upcoming guests for the podcasts and leathercraft project photos. 

Om Podcasten

The Leathercraft Podcast features conversations with prominent leatherworkers highlighting how they got involved in leather and what they are doing to advance their skills and businesses. The discussions should appeal to anyone with an interest in fine leather goods. Please enjoy!