002 The World Needs YOU Now

Every changemaker's intention is to impact the world and create real change. Even if they don’t know exactly what to do, or they don’t have the means, the only thing that matters is having the intention to be part of a positive change. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How intentions grow and blossom and generate more intentions - Can we be the first generation that can end poverty, and the last one to end climate change? - Making positive impact - a natural state of every human - How conditioned fears hold us back - Playing the "let's just do this" game Once we set the intention, the magical process starts. But if we stop to wonder whether we are capable of fulfilling our intention, we get lost. We must set an intention and act in alignment with it in order to inspire others to join us. "Let's do this" is a powerful intention that opens up all the potentiality.  Resources: - Join The Legacy Creation Clan on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/legacycreationclan - Visit my Website http://www.lisawynn.com/  - Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/legacycreationcoach  - Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/legacycreationcoach/

Om Podcasten

The Legacy Creation Podcast is for legacy-led entrepreneurs and leaders who are here to make a positive impact on the world whilst living their own best life. Gamechangers who are ready to create both personal and global abundance. A combination of self-help and business strategies to guide heart-led leaders to create the impact they know they are here to make in the world without burnout. Inspiration, mindset, vitality and wealth consciousness - we'll cover everything you need to develop the skillsets of a changemaker. You know you can make a bigger difference and this podcast is here to support, challenge and inspire you all the way.