009 Your Relationship With Money is Key to Your Success

In this episode, I talk about something that for many people is both a challenge and a trigger. I talk about money – one of my favourite subjects. I particularly enjoy talking about money and its relationship with personal development. We will tear down the myths around money and talk about the effectiveness of coaching to generate wealth.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: How to look at triggers as breakthrough portals What our relationship with money shows us about ourselves How having more resources impacts the path of changemakers Money amplifies rather than changes How understanding our fears will allow us to work on them We must understand that money and being a legacy creator go hand in hand. It is vital to see money as a tool and resource that will keep us going through our legacy creation journey. If we embrace wealth creation as part of legacy creation, it will enhance our money, magic, and impact in the world.  Resources:  Join The Legacy Creation Clan on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/legacycreationclan Visit my Website http://www.lisawynn.com/  Find me on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/legacycreationcoach  Find me on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/legacycreationcoach/

Om Podcasten

The Legacy Creation Podcast is for female gamechangers who want to make a positive impact on the world whilst living their own best life. Gamechangers who are ready to create both personal and global abundance. A combination of self-help and business strategies to help women leaders to create the impact they know they want to make in the world without burnout. Inspiration, mindset, vitality and abundance - we'll cover everything you need to develop the skillsets of a changemaker. You know you can make a difference. The time is now, you know you can do this!