Nickolai Damgaard

Fra dyb depression og selvmords tanker, til fornyet lyst til livet igennem at forstå livet på et dybere plan. Det er den hudløse rammesætning som biohacker Nickolai Damgaard og jeg taler om. Nickolai er blandt Danmarks dygtigeste biohackere og netop en dyb forståelse for hvordan vi kan passe på os selv fysisk, mentalt og emotionelt er hvad denne samtale tager sit udgangspunkt i. Spændende nye indsigter i værdien af at faste samt en introduktion til din “indre guldfisk” Nickolai har gjort en KÆMPE forskel for mit liv og kan gøre en stor forskel for dit.

Om Podcasten

Stories about people transforming themselves from an unconscious to a conscious life. People who have dared to live out their dreams. Going against all odds and expectations from others. Talks about spirituality in a fact based world. People sharing their life experience, pains and gains, which you will be able to reflect on and reason with. Or the time after the world was put on hold. Everything is about inspiration and insights from other people's life journeys It will be conversations about who we are and not only what we are.