Ep 5 - Your Purpose: You’re Here for a Reason!

We’re each born with a life purpose.  Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring, your purpose, is perhaps the most important step that successful people take.  They take the time to understand what they’re here to do.  Then they pursue that purpose with passion and enthusiasm. ⬆️ Click thumbnail to learn more!! ⬆️

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The Life I Deserve... sharing creative ideas, inspirational stories, and fresh perspectives, that will empower you, to live your life, to the fullest. Jack Canfield, is known as America's #1 Success Coach. He is the founder of the billion-dollar book brand "Chicken Soup for the Soul". He is a leading authority on Peak Performance and Life Success. And, he is my mentor. The skills that Jack teaches, have had a significant impact on my life. Join me, as I share, what Jack has taught me, and many other valuable skills, that will empower you to build the life that you deserve!! -Adrian McMillian :-)