#77: Emile Steenveld - Authentic Leadership, Overcoming Adversity, Emotional Intelligence, Familial Healing
Emile Steenveld is a transformational coach, thought-provoking leader, and public speaker. Emile's expertise is in showing people how emotions drive our behaviors and that the past is not left in the past if it is still present and taking up space inside our minds and bodies. Emile and his team coach people who are at 80% capacity and are ready to expand but lack the confidence, the experience and/or the ability to curate the framework. People who appear to have that successful “entrepreneurial spiritual type” dream life. Bold and confident on the outside yet still unfulfilled on the inside - they are the ones who come to work with Emile. He also helps people who don't know how to relax without feeling guilty, the people who don't know how to mend the relationship with their children, spouse, or parents... the ones who constantly need to hustle and grind to feel purposeful. Using a holistic approach, experiential exercises, and practical tools, he leads clients through a curated program, whether it be private coaching or in one of his group mentorships. Emile on Instagram: @emilesteenveld Emile's Website: https://www.emilesteenveld.com/ ______ YOU ARE LOVED. Helen's Instagram:@helendenham_ Helen's Website: www.helendenham.com Meditate with me on Sundays @ 8pm PST! > www.unplug.com/class-schedule 1:1 6-Week Mentorship Series Cultivating Confidence - A Self Mastery Course