{Kill Bill Vol. I}

Tell me why, No matter how you mix and match these scenes, They all make very exciting episodes. That's just how it is. {Enter The Multiverse} Ah. more posters. Double-Double. // L E G E N D S I don't know who lied to you, buddy, but you are not white. They lied to you, boy. That boy ain't white. Look at em. He ain't white. They lied to you. Something like— —a bicentennial bullet wound. It can't be that bad. You're only 50x I don't know what else to do about this other than prepare to die. He said it would come on fast after this. Who was he? I don't know . Hm, Just—shut up! Okay. Shutup! I got it, I got it… Fuck, this dude is gonna kill me. We can only hope that's what he plans to do. Anything else, and I'm double-fucked. Maybe quite literally. I can't handle that. Ii did have a good time a Bohemian Grove. How do you even get tickets to that? Early. Goddammit, how did he do this? Are you not like self aware of your own environment, or? Not if I don't have to be, no. Is everything okay over there? Yeah, everything's fine? Fuck, what happened?! I don't know. I fell asleep holding nothing; not stones at all, however, I awoke with The Illuminati Stone and one large rose quartz from a dream in which fly po What if all I lost Was a contact And all you wanted Was a daughter What if our world's were opposite I'm a rockstar You got nowhere to run home to You're not important I got nothin but hot bodies On my tour bus, or private jet Whatever way we get to the stage Where i'm playing You're soaked in rain just thanking God for rainbows Filled with pain Plate filled with old food From Whole Foods, With no shame “Hey. at least it's wholesome” I'm holed up in my studio making music With famous people and no names I made famous Playing a game that I made up You don't even know the rules of But if you learn them in time, YOu might just be where I am Or You might just die From sucicide– That's the plan Not like you have family, but you see If I die I might just take 5 lives with me The limelight's tricky All i got in my inbox is tits And celebrities on my timeline You don't mind: You're just happy to see the sunshine And find silence after a long day And a long night Trying to find life– Cause so far you know you died That's wild– So did I, IT took awhile to get to the other side though Keep trying JAGUAR I HAVE NEVER DIED. I'm telling you RIGHT NOW to TURN BACK. TURN BACK? I've been walking in this direction THE WHOLE TIME. EXACTLY. I'm following you. DON'T FOLLOW ME. I'm f– DON'T FOLLOW ME. I knew i would never see her again. Once i turned around it wasn't long before I realized, I had moved in the opposite direction, but was not in the same place I had been before–and I finally remembered. You can't go backward. But KA, you said time travels in all directions… In Infinite directions. What's the difference. “All” is just ‘some' things. Infinite is everything. Oh. *sighs heavily again* Ok. [beat] lets make fire again! Make fire again? Yes! I thought you hated ‘making fire' I did, but I like marshmallows. Alright, marshmallows. KU and YOUNG KA Flicker in the smoke and shadows of the firelight in a far and distant, dark cosmos, as constellations form around them, expanding outwards into galaxies beyond comprehension. You want some? No, I'm not fond of Marshmallows. Lol Lol Lol. WAKE UP. Nooh. I told you NOT TO FALL ASLEEP. Now you have to start over. NO. Noh I wasn't asleep! I barely nodded off. Clock starting. First of all, I told you. Dillon Francis is a Psychopath. I know that. Because i told you that. I already knew that. How could you possibly know. Just look at him. [Dillon Francis] But I got you now, buddy. What did he do to you? [pause] –He killed my cat. He killed you cat?! [beat] Well, no, but– ??? Something Like That. I'm gonna have a heart attack. PLease don't. HeART attack. Mm. That was good. But it needs more force. More? Put some *love* in it. What's that? *shrugs* HeART ATTACK. What the fuck is he doing. PLaying with one of his alter egos. Jesus Christ. How many are there. Who really knows. What are you two dipshits doing. NOthing. Training. Training! No. *eyes* You can't train yourself. Woah– Woah, woah– That's an insult Both, exactly the same We are not the same. Jinx. Go fuck yourself. *looking at watch* Not until 3. *everyone stops and stares* You schedule your jackoff calendar . I'm very busy. Obviously not busy enough. It's called “building stamina” Do you use “home” or “work” for that. I use candidly. Yikes. Wow. Anyway, this scene is running long; I gotta walk off screen and say something clever, for continuity. But it's only 2:15! If you're not early, you're late! I hate him. So does everybody. If you cry one more time, I'll actually kill you. Put the gun away, dude. Why?! Cause you're crazy. It's 5 AM. Ok. Take your shit and get off the toilet, We have shit to do. [beat] FLUSH. Royal flush I win again. Dammit. This is not LOVE. This is just LUST AH, fuck it though, I love these cunsluts. COME OUT OF RETIREMENT. No, not us. I can do nothing but watch you suffer —suffer the little children unto me I can do nothing, but watch you suffer. —suffer the little children unto me I can do enough, but watch you alter Suffer the children unto me I can do nothing of earth, but of sun— Suffer the children unto me Riding through Brooklyn With Yelawolf bumpin I should be thumping to something else but I never got the trunk to open Nope, I was fucked up some Broke girl summer Broken girl summer Surfs up, though Copestetic, I am Don't stop writing (I tried) Intuition I died Whoever I am Exit Bedstuy So far behind, I'm ahead What's that like Left the pary, Fuck that line Partly cloudy with a chance o Get UP. Nah, I'm fine. For the most part— I just When does this train stop? For the most part— Where the fuck do I get off this ride? I guess I don't For the most part Sure, I miss my mom but Some days she's up And the others GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. HOW?! I will literally FLY you out, just ———————————————-//—-wait, come back. Wait, you can't just cut the strings like that That's amazing lady (She painted like a Mercedes) The second rule of time travel Since you're clearly a rule breaker 2. Don't get hit by anything moving not fast enough to kill you Entirely and completely A fuck, which Brooklyn is this? JUST—time TRACWL BAMANAS. (William H. Macy is SIR, now) *face* Ok, I'm cool with that. Better hold that thought— And your phone Why what's up, Cause I can hear my train a coming. JIM(I) Well, I guess this is it. Are you sure Almost Yeah, I'mmma get this real quick. I AM A GOD. No, yur not. RICK! GET DOWN FROM THERE WAIT, you CC saw this movie, right? Where IS your center of balance, anyway? It's not. GET DOWN, KITE. ——aaaaand— ITS GONE. Let's just be real, I don't know how this happens. Best keep it that way, Now whose hot and toxic? I'm the talk of the catwalk The cause of the kamikaze Come for me Suddenly my nausea's gone Imma run off, Like I should have the first time I'm up LUKE SKYWALKER I'm LUKE SKYWALKER. Bitch. It's hard to believe That I, too, Could be in the window This could be an innuendo This could be an instrumental We should get going Go to work Fuck, am I still in a movie or some shit Or some shit. Fuck the glasses, See my face for this IT WANTS BANANAS GIVE IT BANANAS GIVE IT WHAT IT WANTS M PLEASE HELP ME. *with a monocle* *running fingers grubbily* For how much. *grimaces-* Wow, they really picked this little girl out, Just to pig party you I know. So where the fuck is this again? EXT. HELLS KITCHEN I DONT THINK HE's a good man No, I don't think he's a good man at all, now All I see's a child, And that's why It's just getting wilder it here Now I'm in the water (I can't drown) We all need a savior How about now? How about a round of applause For the audience That watched the whole performance And don't know what the words to the song were Right on. Tell me why American girls just Get too cynical bout this. Why so hypocritical? We got A+ in robotics Now we got Animal Products in All of our water We got Islam R US in Jansport backpacks That's how you rat out these assholes That is a terrorist practice So who's gonna watch that shit Over and over And wish he could have that? So Whose in the water now Once you cheat once, Then it's all Void after that The God of the void is annoyed with you I just anointed you all with oil You're so fucking disappointing It's just Innapropriate Well, turn it off, then! Did you work today? Guess not, I'm too useless We work, you know. Your music is stupid. That's how good you look: Music producer No words for this. Here. What. I want you to carry this. Mariah, or Jim? Got it. OK. OK. OK, YOU WIN. That's RIGHT, STUPID BITCH. I'm o— Fuck that little dick nigga Broh God bless Jah Pharoh living up to his last name by reminding me that I also need to run. True facts. WHATS IN THE BOOOOOOOOWWLLLLL— Ing green? More dead people. Please, if you would. Eats—people?! Onlympurple—ones. Are you serious!? CUT TO COMMERCIAL. CUT TO COMMERCIAL. Ok, damn. Wait, so how long do I gotta be— Everybody. Till it ends. When's the— {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2019-2024 | THE COMPLEX COLLECTIVE. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū. What's In the box though? Idk. Get in.

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OWSLA CONFIDENTIAL, LTD.The infinite Skrillifiles: Next Generation— Quantum Force [Series V.V] Following: The Infinite Skrillifiles - SERIES V) {Enter The Multiverse} [The Festival Project.™] COPYRIGHT © THE FESTIVAL PROJECT 2019-2024 | THE COMPLEX COLLECTIVE. © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. © -Ū. ™ The Original.™