12.13.24 Lauds, Friday Morning Prayer
Lauds, Morning Prayer for the 2nd Friday in Advent, December 13, 2024.Memorial of St. Lucy Come to our mid-winter chant retreat at Malvern Retreat House - January 24-26, 2025Info and registration at singthehours.org/retreats Lord open my lips, and my mouth will proclaim your praisePsalm 95 (Invitatory) Hymn: "Hark a Thrilling Voice is Sounding."Psalm 51Canticle: Habakkuk 3:2-4, 13a, 15-19Psalm 147:12-20Reading: Jeremiah 30:21, 22Responsory: "Your light will come Jerusalem, the Lord will dawn on you in radiant beauty."Canticle of ZechariahIntercessionsPater Noster (The Lord's Prayer)Concluding PrayersMarian Appeal The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes), ©1974, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. Readings and Old and New Testament Canticles (except the Gospel Canticles) are from the New American Bible © 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C.