TLS #317 – What Is The Essence Of Creation, And How To Use It with The Collective

We’ve got a new episode with the Collective (a nonphysical entity channeled through Annie Francoeur), and it just might be my favorite conversation with them yet! In this episode, we’re covering a big topic: the essence of creation, and the differences between creation and consciousness. The Collective explains where our thoughts come from and how we can use them to shape our experience on a deeper level than ever before.

We explore the difference between desires from our inner voice vs. desires from the ego, and the reasons why some manifestations just don’t seem to want to show up. We dig into one of humans’ favorite habits - overthinking - and chat about how we can slow down the mind for more ease in manifesting.

The Collective also shares insight into the work of Joe Dispenza, the ways physical healing works, and the two types of resistance that can stand in the way of the most manifestations. We also chat about why living in the present is such a joyful experience. I can’t wait to share this one with you!

Let’s go to the show :)




[Tweet "“The essence of creation is thought. But the belief that thought has to arise from the mind is what is losing you in the forest. What if thoughts could arise from the divine inside of you? What if a thought could be born from the flow of life?" - The Collective"]

Abraham Hicks
Dr. Joe Dispenza
Burning Man
Eckhart Tolle
The Power of Now


Om Podcasten

The Lively Show is designed to uplift, inspire, and help you add a little extra presence to your everyday. In 300+ episodes, we have covered a wide variety of topics! Listen to interviews with thought-leaders such as Elizabeth Gilbert, Gary Vaynerchuk, and Brené Brown, learn the principles of the Law of Attraction and Quantum Mechanics, keep up with Jess and her “Flow Diaries,” or dive into inner voice work and consciousness.