Episode 64: 2022 May Be a Do-Or-Die Year for Old-Style Agencies & Media Cos.

A famed advertising guru called 2021's advertising growth a "false storm" and suggested that traditional media companies and ad agencies have 12 months to transform -- or die. Gordon & Corey consult with media transformation expert Scott Anthony from Innosight, who sees two paths ahead. The hosts also tackle major shifts in automotive advertising, which suffered a topsy-turvy two years and seems to be on a very different path in 2022.

Om Podcasten

Hear two of the nation's brightest and sought-after advertising analysts -- Corey Elliott and Gordon Borrell -- identify the latest trends and make their predictions. This fast-paced podcast runs about 20 minutes and focuses on trends in local media, advertising, and marketing. The show typically touches on three or four topics, occasionally features a guest, and is always seasoned with critical analysis and wit.