Conscious Parenting with Dr. Shefali Tsabary

In the first episode of The Longevity Game, Tracy Anderson is joined by psychologist, best-selling author, and renowned international speaker Dr. Shefali Tsabary. Dr. Shefali brings her expertise to the table as she and Tracy explore what it means to be a conscious parent in today's world. Parenting in the age of social media is no easy task, and Tracy and Dr. Shefali tackle the biggest questions parents face today: How do you raise emotionally resilient children in this digital age? What does it take to lead a fulfilling, meaningful life in 2024? In this dynamic conversation, they challenge the status quo—sharing practical strategies for conscious parenting that anyone can tailor to their own unique journey. With their original perspectives, they also question societal norms and explore what it means to be a woman in contemporary culture. Join us for an inspiring, heartwarming episode full of insights and stories to lead a more conscious life.

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Welcome to the game. What if we were born with the power to live long, healthy, and fulfilled? The Longevity Game with Tracy Anderson is your syllabus to reclaim agency over your well-being. We live in a world that denatures us from the things we need most: freedom of movement, sense of play, real nourishment, and human connection. We’re sold pills, teas, and machines that distance us from the truth written in our nature. It’s time to relearn what it means to live well and be true. Tracy changes lives every day on the mat, and she’s ready to expand that strategy to all aspects of your longevity. Movement is Tracy’s primary mode to get the most of life. For Duke Ellington, it was jazz. Joan Didion’s was writing. Michael Jordan found truth in basketball. This podcast will shed light on the methods we can use to live each day to the fullest. From Olympic athletes and scientists, to prolific artists and award-winning authors, each guest will share their curriculum to live a long, happy life. Tune in for new lessons in well-being, and become a lifelong student of your own health.